WAHA Residency Rules
WAHA Rules Regarding Player Residency
WAHA, (Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association), the governing body of youth hockey in Wisconsin, sets boundaries of eligibility for the players it serves and all member associations. Generally the hockey association boundaries follow local public school districts. WAHA rules state that no player may play for an association other than the association certified by WAHA to serve the area in which the player permanently resides. Conversely, no association may accept any player from an area served by another association with boundaries certified by WAHA.
The West Madison Polar Caps boundaries include players who reside in the Madison Memorial H.S. and Madison West H.S. districts.
West Madison Polar Caps boundaries border several other youth hockey associations in the greater Madison area. Players who reside in bordering school districts are required to play for their local youth hockey association based on the high school district(s) it serves.
For players living in the Verona school district, it is the Verona Wildcats Youth Hockey Association.
For players living in the Middleton school district, it is the Middleton Youth Hockey Association.
For players living in the Madison La Follette, Madison East High, and the Monona Grove school district, it is the Patriots Youth Hockey Association.
There are a few exceptions to this rule and player transfers between associations can be requested.
Beginning with the 2019-2020 season WAHA added a rule regarding player residency. The rule states that a parent or legal guardian of a player must provide documentation if the proper legal residency of the player comes into question. The exact wording of the residency rule is in the document linked below.
If you have any questions regarding player residency, please contact our Registrar.