Concessions and DIBS
Volunteer Requirements for the 2024-2025 Season
The volunteer commitment for this season is 12 hours per family (not per skater). Volunteering will take place through concession stand work, helping with events and tournaments, and any other opportunities which arise throughout the season. Concession stand shifts will generally be in 2-hour increments. Any member of a family who is over the age of 16 is eligible to work in the concession stand. For those not wishing to participate in the volunteer requirement, the option to "buyout" is also offered. The buyout is only offered at the time of registration. If you choose not to buyout at that time the expectation is you will fulfill your hours. The cost is $360.
Credits will be provided for the following club roles at the beginning of the season.
Please note that families with players only in Learn To Play are exempt from volunteering. Families whose oldest skater is at Cross-ice level are required to work 6 volunteer hours.
The following organization roles will receive DIBs credits:
- Board members - 12 hours.
- Coaches - 12 hours. Coaches must meet all registration requirements and contribute the duration of the season.
- Team Managers (U10 and above) - 12 hours.
Sign Up for Concessions Shifts
The Polar Caps are once again managing the concession stand, and we appreciate all the help and suggestions from our members!
You can sign up for concession shifts through DIBS on the website:
- Log in using the same account you used for registration
- Click on the Dibs menu link
- Select 2022-2023 Volunteers
- Click on the Dibs Item you would like to claim
- Click the "Claim this DIB Item"
Once a shift is claimed, it can be cancelled up to 7 days prior to the time of the shift. Once within 7 days, it will be your responsibility to find a replacement to work for you.
The DIBS Coordinator will have a list of members who may be available to substitute.
If you have any trouble getting into the DIBS site, please check your login. If you are still unable to get in, please contact our webmaster
Responsibilities and Training
It is imperative for volunteers to show up on time (unless other arrangements have been made with approval of the Concessions Manager). Brief training sessions will be scheduled during the beginning of the season, so that those unfamiliar with the Concession Stand can familiarize themselves with its equipment, operation, and procedures. In addition, procedures (e.g., startup, cleaning, etc.) will be posted within the concession stand for easy reference.
No Show Policy
No-shows will not be tolerated and there are significant penalties associated with missing a shift. A penalty of $75 will be assessed to the family for missing a 2-hour time shift. An Emergency Replacement Call List is available to help find last minute substitutions. However, it is the complete responsibility of the volunteer family to find/call substitutes when needed.
Mandatory Family VOLUNTEER Commitment
Remember that the volunteer commitment for this season is 12 hours per family (not per skater). Concession stand shifts are a great way to help meet this commitment.
Molly Hartshorn
Dibs Coordinator
Dan Urben
Concessions Manager